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During the non-breeding period, kisspeptin expression in the arcuatenucleus is markedly reduced.
Prominent vascular permeability of low- and high-molecular-mass tracers was also observed in the arcuatenucleus.
Seven-day running wheel access also results in elevated arcuatenucleus and DMH neuropeptide Y gene expression.
Bilateral leptin injections into the rat arcuatenucleus produced long-lasting suppression of meal size and total chow intake.
These results provide new insights into the mechanism by which ghrelin regulates voluntary activity independent of arcuatenucleus neurons.
A significant increase in phosphorylated STAT5 was detected in the arcuatenucleus of female rats compared with same-sex controls.
However, no differences in NPY projections to kisspeptin neurons in the arcuatenucleus were detected between HG and LG heifers.
Hypothalamic arcuatenucleus peptide mRNA expression in OLETF rats is appropriate to their obesity and is normalized by pair feeding.
In retrograde tracing experiments, a small percentage of arcuatenucleus POMC neurons was found to project to the dorsal vagal complex.
Hypocretin cells innervate the mediobasal hypothalamus where they can potentially influence the activity of specific cell populations within the arcuatenucleus.
Within the hypothalamus, the level of receptor mRNA was low in most nuclei with a somewhat higher level in the arcuatenucleus.
Heifers that gained BW at a higher rate exhibited greater circulating concentrations of leptin and reduced overall NPY expression in the arcuatenucleus.
Neuron-specific tracing from the arcuatenucleus with a Cre-inducible tract-tracing adenovirus in POMC-Cre mice showed the presence of labeled axons in the NTS.
SORCS1 and SORCS3 are two related sorting receptors expressed in neurons of the arcuatenucleus of the hypothalamus.
Sensitization to cocaine or amphetamine was spared in monosodium glutamate-pre-treated animals, although the lesion of arcuatenucleus reduced the sensitivity of mice to cocaine.
Different groups of mice were used to assay blood ethanol levels and to evaluate the effect of arcuatenucleus lesions on psychostimulant-induced locomotor sensitization.